We read “Look to the North: A Wolf Pup Diary” in our reading book.  It is a story about wolf pups being born and how they grow up.  We learned that wolf pups are born blind and deaf.  We also learned that there are different members of the wolf pack including alpha males, alpha females, yearlings, and pups.  The yearlings are like “babysitters” and watch the pups when the parents are out hunting.

        We made timelines of the wolf pup’s life.  Then we listened to different wolf howls and guessed what they were trying to say.  We also made an origami wolf and colored a wolf mask.

        For our writing activity, we pretended that we were wolf researchers looking for wolves.  We discussed how wolves and people use their 5 senses.  We thought about what we would see, hear, taste, smell, and feel while looking for wolves.  We collected our ideas in a wolf paw, each opening represented a different sense.  Finally, we wrote our paragraphs.





How to make an origami wolf (courtesy of the National Park Service)







*Links to Wonderful Wolf Websites


 Wolf mask to print and color

*  Wolf information from Wolf Park Kids

*  Learn what different body & tail postures mean.  What is the wolf trying to say?

* National Geographic for Kids – look, listen, learn!  Very cool site!







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