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4th Graders Celebrate
Fire Safety Week

ffhelmetblack.gif The Elmwood Park Fire Department visited Elmwood School during Fire Safety Week.  The 4th graders were reminded about important fire safety tips.  We reviewed things like “stop, drop, & roll”, how to exit a building that is filled with smoke, and the importance of having a family meeting place in case of an emergency.


FFhydrant.gif In our classroom, we read about the three different types of fire trucks.  We learned that the three different types of trucks are pumpers, ladder trucks, and rescue trucks.  The fire department brought different types of trucks to our school and the 4th graders could easily identify the different trucks.

IMG_0938.JPG IMG_0940.JPG IMG_0941.JPG IMG_0944.JPG


ffsuit.gif The firemen explained that they have to wear “turnout gear”, a special uniform and equipment that protects them from heat and smoke.  The firemen dressed Mrs. Kanas in the turnout gear which weighed a total of 90 pounds!



ffextingshr.gifWe really appreciate the Elmwood Park Fire Department taking time out of their busy days to talk to us about fire safety.  All families in Elmwood Park should check to see if their smoke alarm is working, make a escape plan for their house or building, and should establish a family meeting place in case of an emergency.  Thank you EPFD for all you do!





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